Heitor Villa-Lobos :: Bachianas brasileiras no.4, A424


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Villa-Lobos, Heitor
(b Rio de Janeiro, 5 March 1887; d Rio de Janeiro, 17 Nov 1959). Brazilian
Bachianas brasileiras no.4, A424
Specific information available for subscribers.
Original version (A264) for piano solo; orchestrated by the composer.
The parts for this work leave a lot to be desired. Rental sets include a 3rd tbn, but never are there more than 2 trombones playing at the same time.
Prélude (1st mvt) is available separately through Luck's.
1. Prélude (Introdução) [for strings only]
2. Choral (Canto do Sertão)
3. Ária (Cantiga)
4. Danse (Miudinho)

Additional info
Contents—1. Prélude (Introdução); 2. Choral (Canto do Sertão); 3. Ária (Cantiga); 4. Danse (Miudinho)