Robert Schumann :: Six Canonic Studies, op.56 (orchd. Coulters) (6 Studien in kanonischer Form)


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Schumann, Robert
(b Zwickau, Saxony, 8 June 1810; d Endenich, nr Bonn, 29 July 1856). German
Six Canonic Studies, op.56 (orchd. Coulters) (6 Studien in
kanonischer Form) <1845>
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Originally for solo org or pedal pf, orchd by Tom Coult (2018).
I. Con moto egual'e dolce
II. Gently lilting/flowing
III. Andantino piacevole teneramente
IV. Con moto amabile: supple & airy
V. Vivace
VI. Andante serioso