Kurt Weill :: Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny (Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny): Suite


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Weill, Kurt
(b Dessau, 2 March 1900; d New York, 3 April 1950). German composer, American citizen from 1943.
Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny (Rise and Fall of the
City of Mahagonny): Suite <1927–1929>
Specific information available for subscribers.
Suite from the opera, arr. Wilhelm Brückner-Rüggeberg.
Tbn3 is only 9 bars of quarternotes, all doubling the tuba; there is no separate tbn3 part.
The movements lack titles; those given below were supplied by David Loebel.
I. Overture to Act I
II. "Alabama Song"
III. "Auf nach Mahagonny"
IV. "Ich habe gelernt"
V. Hurricane
VI. Crane Duet
VII. Finale

Additional info
Contents—I. Overture to Act I; II. “Alabama Song”; III. “Auf nach Mahagonny”; IV. “Ich habe gelernt”; V. Hurricane; VI. Crane Duet; VII. Finale