Osvaldo Golijov :: Oceana


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Golijov, Osvaldo
(b La Plata, Argentina, 5 Dec 1960). American composer of Argentinian birth.
Oceana <1996>
vocalist (Brazilian jazz style), boy soprano (or small boys chorus), double chorus
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Ampd: vocalist, boy soprano, alto flute, solo db, 2gtr.
Source of text: Pablo Neruda: Oceana (in Cantos Ceremoniales). Language: Spanish
1. Call
2. First Wave: "Oceana nupcial, cadera de las
islas"—Rain Tree Interlude
3. Second Wave: "Quiero oir lo invisible"
4. Second Call
5. Third Wave: "Oceana, reclina tu noche en el
6. Aria: "Tengo hambre de no ser sino piedra marina"
7. Coral del arrecife (Chorale of the Reef): "Oceana,
dame las conchas"

Additional info
Contents—1. Call 2. First Wave: “Oceana nupcial, cadera de las islas” - Rain Tree Interlude; 3. Second Wave: “Quiero oir lo invisible”; 4. Second Call; 5. Third Wave: “Oceana, reclina tu noche en el castillo”; 6. Aria” “Tengo hambre de no ser sino piedra marina”; 7. Coral del arrecife (Chorale of the Reef): “Oceana, dame las conchas del arrecife”