Works by Felix Weingartner Log in ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Works by Felix Weingartner:Aus ernster Zeit, op.56Concerto, Violin, op.52, G majorDeine Schönheit, op.48, no.6 (ThyBeauty!)Du bist ein Kind, op.28, no.12 (Thou art aChild)Das Gefilde der Seligen, op.21 (The Realmof the Blessed)Des Kindes Scheiden, op.36, no.2 (TheAngel and the Child)König Lear, op.20 (King Lear)Lied der Ghawâze, op. 25, no.5 (Song ofthe Ghawazee)Lied der Walküre, op.36, no.4 (The Songof the Valkyr)Lustige Ouverture, op.53Serenade, op.6, F majorSymphony No.1, op.23, G majorSymphony No.2, op.29, E-flat majorSymphony No.4, op.61, F majorTraumnacht und Sturmhymnus, op.38 (Houseof Dreams and Song of the Storm)Unruhe der Nacht, op. 35, no.1 (The Unrestof Night)