Works by Franz Liszt Log in ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Works by Franz Liszt:Ad nos, ad salutarem undam, S.259 (orchd.Dupré)A la Chapelle Sixtine, S.360 (At theSistine Chapel)Angelus! Prière aux anges gardiens, S.378(Prayer to the Guardian Angels)Beethoven Cantata No.2 (Zur Säcular-FeierBeethovens): IntroductionCe qu'on entend sur la montagne, S.95(Bergsymphonie; Symphonic Poem No.1)Christus, S.3Christus: Die heiligen drei Könige (Marchof the Three Kings)Christus: Hirtengesang an der Krippe(Shepherd's Song at the Manger)Concerto, Piano, No.1, S.124, E-flat majorConcerto, Piano, No.2, S.125, A majorConcerto, Piano, S.125a, op.posth., E-flatmajorConcerto pathétique, S.258Dante Symphony, S.109 (Eine Symphonie zuDantes Divina Commedia)Deux morceaux (orchd. Kazanli)Fantasie über ungarische Volksmelodien,S.123 (Hungarian Fantasy)Fantasy on Motives from Beethoven's "Ruinsof Athens," S.122A Faust Symphony, S.108Festvorspiel, S.356 (Festival Overture)Festklänge, S.101 (Symphonic Poem No.7)Feux Follets [orchd. L. Weiner](Irrlichter; Will-o' the Wisp)Gaudeamus igitur, S.586 (Humoreske)Hamlet, S.104 (Symphonic Poem No.10)Die heilige Cäcilia (The Legend of SaintCecilia; Szent Cecília legendája)Héroïde funèbre, S.102 (Heroic Elegy;Heldenklage; Symphonic Poem No.8)Huldigungs-Marsch, S.357Hungaria, S.103 (Symphonic Poem No.9)Hungarian Rhapsody No.1 [S.359 no.1], FminorHungarian Rhapsody No.2 [S.359 no.4], DminorHungarian Rhapsody No.2 [S.359 no.4], Cminor (arr. Müller-Berghaus)Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 [S.359 no.4],C-sharp minor (arr. Schreker)Hungarian Rhapsody No.3 [S.359 no.3], DmajorHungarian Rhapsody No.4 [S.359 no.2], DminorHungarian Rhapsody No.5 [S.359 no.5], Eminor (Héroïde-élégiaque)Hungarian Rhapsody No.6 [S.359 no.6], Dmajor (Pesther Carneval)Hungarian Rhapsody, S.244, no.1, C minor[arr. Müller-Berghaus]Hunnenschlacht, S.105 (Battle of the Huns;Symphonic Poem No.11)Die Ideale, S.106 (Symphonic Poem No.12)Künstler-festzug, S.114 (Artists'Procession)Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth,S.2 (The Legend of St. Elizabeth)Légendes, S.354Légendes: Die Vogelpredigt des heiligenFranz von Assisi (The Sermon to the Birdsof St. Francis of Assisi)Malédiction, S.121Mazeppa, S.100 (Symphonic Poem No.6)Mazurka brillante, S.221 (orchd.Müller-Berghaus)Mephisto Waltz No.1, S.110/2 (Der Tanz inder Dorfschenke; Dance in the Village Inn)Mephisto Waltz No.2, S.111Der nächtliche Zug, S.110/1 (NocturnalProcession)La notte, S.112, no.2 (Die Nacht; TheNight)Orpheus, S.98 (Symphonic Poem No.4)Der Papsthymnus, S.361Polonaise No.2, S.223/2, E major (orchd.Müller-Berghaus)Les Préludes, S.97 (Symphonic Poem No.3)Prometheus, S.99 (Symphonic Poem No.5)Psalm 13, S.13/2 (2nd version)Rákóczi-Marsch, S.117 (Hungarian March)Rhapsodie espagnole, S.254 (orchd. Busoni)Sonnet No.104 (Petrarch: CIV) [orchd.Busoni]Szózat und Hymnus, S.353 (Song and Hymn;Two Patriotic Melodies)Tarantelle (orchd. Müller-Berghaus)Tasso; lamento e trionfo, S.96 (Tasso;Lament and Triumph; Symphonic Poem No.2)Totentanz, S.126Totentanz, S.126; Fantasy for Piano &Orchestra (1st version)Le triomphe funèbre du Tasse, S.112, no.3(Funeral Triumph of Tasso; Symphonic PoemNo.2a)Two PiecesUngarischer Sturmmarsch, S.119 (HungarianAttack March; Magyar induló; Marchemilitaire hongroise)Variations on "Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen,Zagen" (arr. Leó Weiner)Vom Fels zum Meer!, S.358 (From Rock toSea!; de la Montagne à la mer!)Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe, S.107 (Fromthe Cradle to the Grave; Du berceaujusqu'à la tombe; Symphonic Poem No.13)Vexilla regis prodeunt, S.355(Kreuzeshymne; Hymn of the Cross)Wiegenlied [orchd. John Adams] (CradleSong)