Gunther Schuller :: Six Renaissance Lyrics


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Schuller, Gunther
(b New York, 22 Nov 1925; d Boston, 21 June 2015). American
Six Renaissance Lyrics <1962>
solo tenor
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Hpsd may replace pf in mvt 2.
Source of text: Shakespeare (I, English), Juan de la Cruz (II, Spanish), Walter von der Vogelweide (III, German), Francesco Petrarca (IV, Italian), Pierre de Ronsard (V, French), Michelangelo Buonarotti (VI, Italian). Language: English
1. Sonnet 87 (Shakespeare)
2. Noche Oscura (de la Cruz)
3. Under der Linden (von der Vogelweide)
4. Sonnet 126 (Petrarca)
5. La Continuaton des amours, No.33 (de Ronsard)
6. Sonnet: O Notto, O Dolce Tempo (Buonarotti)