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Hasse, Johann Adolf
(b Bergedorf, nr Hamburg, bap 25 March 1699; d Venice, 16 Dec 1783). German
Requiem, B-flat major <1755–1760>
chorus solos SSAATTB
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Flutes in Agnus Dei only, where oboes are tacet.
Source of text: Roman Catholic Liturgy. Language: Latin
Source of text: Roman Catholic Liturgy. Language: Latin
I. Requiem aeternam
II. Te decet hymnus
III. Kyrie eleison
IV. Offertorium: Domine Jesu Christe
V. Hostias et preces
VI. Sacntus
VII. Benedictus
VIII. Osanna
IX. Agnus Dei
II. Te decet hymnus
III. Kyrie eleison
IV. Offertorium: Domine Jesu Christe
V. Hostias et preces
VI. Sacntus
VII. Benedictus
VIII. Osanna
IX. Agnus Dei