Works by Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf Log in ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Works by Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf:Concerto, Double Bass, E majorConcerto, Double Bass, E-flat majorConcerto, Harp, A majorConcerto, Harpsichord, B-flat majorConcerto, Violoncello, D majorLa contadina fedele: Sinfonia, F majorEsther: OvertureSinfonia, A minor [G.a2] (Il delirio dellicompositori, ossia Il gusto d'oggidi)Sinfonia, A major [G.A10] (Nazionale nelgusto di cinque nazioni)Sinfonia, D major [G.D16] (Ilcombattimento delle passioni umani; TheContest of Human Passions)Sinfonia, D minor [G.d1]Sinfonia, F major [G.F7]Sinfonia, G minor [G.g1]Sinfonia concertante, Double Bass & ViolaSIX SYMPHONIES AFTER OVID'S METAMORPHOSESSymphony (after Ovid's Metamorphoses I),Grave C-23, C major (Die vier Weltalter;The Four Ages)Symphony (after Ovid's Metamorphoses II),Grave D-1, D major (Der Sturtz Phaëtons;The Fall of Phaëton)Symphony (after Ovid's Metamorphoses III),Grave G-26, G major (Verwandlung Aktäonsin einen Hirsch; The Transformation ofAktaeon into a Stag)Symphony (after Ovid's Metamorphoses IV),Grave F-8, F major (Die Rettung derAndromeda durch Perseus; The Rescuing ofAndromeda by Perseus)Symphony (after Ovid's Metamorphoses VI),Grave A-10, A major (Verwandlung derlycischen Bauern in Frösche; TheTransformation of the Lycian Peasants intoFrog)Symphony (after Ovid's Metamorphoses V),Grave D-53, D major (Die Versteinerung derPhineus und seiner Freunde; Turning toStone of Phineus & his Friends)Symphony, C major