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Falla, Manuel de
(b Cadiz, 23 Nov 1876; d Alta Gracia, Argentina, 14 Nov 1946). Spanish
Noches en los jardines de España (Nights in the Gardens of
Spain) <1909–1915>
Spain) <1909–1915>
solo piano
Specific information available for subscribers.
A 1926 chamber orchestra version of the accompaniment calls for:
2[1.2/pic] 3[1.2.Eh] 2 2 — 2 2 0 0 — tmp+2 — hp — cel — str
To rent orchestra materials of either version, consult the regional representatives for the following publishers:
Chester - for USA, Canada, Latin America, Japan, Australia
Falla (Manuel de Falla Ediciones) - for Spain
Eschig - for the rest of the world
Breitkopf ed Ullrich Scheideler.
2[1.2/pic] 3[1.2.Eh] 2 2 — 2 2 0 0 — tmp+2 — hp — cel — str
To rent orchestra materials of either version, consult the regional representatives for the following publishers:
Chester - for USA, Canada, Latin America, Japan, Australia
Falla (Manuel de Falla Ediciones) - for Spain
Eschig - for the rest of the world
Breitkopf ed Ullrich Scheideler.
En el Generalife (In the Gardens of the Generalife)
Danza lejana (A Dance Is Heard in the Distance)
En los jardines de la Sierra de Córdoba (In the
Gardens of…)
Danza lejana (A Dance Is Heard in the Distance)
En los jardines de la Sierra de Córdoba (In the
Gardens of…)
Additional info
Contents—En el Generalife (In the Gardens of the Generalife); Danza lejana (A Dance Is Heard in the Distance); En los jardines de la Sierra de Córdoba (In the Gardens of the Sierra de Córdoba)
Contents—En el Generalife (In the Gardens of the Generalife); Danza lejana (A Dance Is Heard in the Distance); En los jardines de la Sierra de Córdoba (In the Gardens of the Sierra de Córdoba)