Modest Mussorgsky :: Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. Gorchakov) (Kartinki s vïstavki)


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Mussorgsky, Modest
(b Karevo, Pskov district, 9/21 March 1839; d St Petersburg, 16/28 March 1881). Russian
Pictures at an Exhibition (arr. Gorchakov) (Kartinki s
vïstavki) <1874>
Specific information available for subscribers.
Originally for piano; orchestrated by Sergei Gorchakov, 1954.
Introduction - Promenade
I. Gnomus
II. Il vecchio castello
III. Tuileries
IV. Bydło
V. Ballet of Little Chicks in their Shells
VI. Two Polish Jews
VII. Limoges
VIII. Catacombae - Cum mortuis in lingua mortua
IX. Baba-Yaga - The Hut on Hen's Legs
X. The Great Gate of Kiev

Additional info
Contents—Introduction - Promenade; I. Gnomus; II. Il vecchio castello; III. Tulleries; IV. Bydlo; V. Ballet of Little Chicks in their Shells; VI. Two Polish Jews; VII. Limoges; VIII. Catacombae - Cum mortius in lingua mortua; IX. Baba-Yaga - The Hut on Hen's Legs; X. The Great Gate of Kiev