Works by Moritz Moszkowski Log in ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Works by Moritz Moszkowski:Aus aller Herren Länder, op.23 (FromForeign Lands)Ballade, op.16, no.1Boabdil, der letzte Maurenkönig, op.49(Boabdil, the Last King of the Moors):Einzugs Marsch (Entry March)Boabdil, der letzte Maurenkönig, op.49(Boabdil, the Last King of the Moors):MalagueñaBoabdil, der letzte Maurenkönig, op.49(Boabdil, the Last King of the Moors):Maurische Marsch (Moorish March)Boabdil, der letzte Maurenkönig, op.49(Boabdil, the Last King of the Moors):PreludeConcerto, Piano, op.59, E majorConcerto, Violin, op.30, C majorCortège, op.43, no.1Fackeltanz, op.51 (Torch Dance)Johanna d'arc, op.19Prelude and Fugue, op.85Serenata, op.15, no.1 (orchd. Rehfeld)Suite No.1, op.39, F majorSuite No.2, op.47, G minorThree Spanish Dances (orchd. Hume)