Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky :: Nutcracker (Shchelkunchik; Casse-noisette): Suite No.2, op.71b


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Tchaikovsky, Piotr Ilyich
(b nr Votkinsk, north-eastern Russia, 25 April/7 May 1840; d St Petersburg, 25 Oct/6 Nov 1893). Russian
Nutcracker (Shchelkunchik; Casse-noisette): Suite No.2,
op.71b <1891–1892>
Specific information available for subscribers.
from ACT II
No. 10, Scene
No. 11; Scene
No. 12a, Chocolate
No. 14, Pas de deux & Variations
from ACT I
No. 1, Decorating and Lighting of the Christmas Tree
No. 3, Little Galop of the Children and Entrance of the
No. 5, Scene and "Tempo di Gross-Vater"
Additional info
Contents—Act II: No.10, Scene; No.11; Scene; No.12a, Chocolate; No.14 Pas de deux & Variations; Act I: No.1, Decorating and Lighting of the Christmas Tree; No.3, Little Galop of the Children and Entrance of the Parents; No.5, Scene and “Tempo di Gross-Vater”