Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky :: Swan Lake, TH 12 (Lebedinoye ozero; Le Lac des cygnes): Suite, op.20a


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Tchaikovsky, Piotr Ilyich
(b nr Votkinsk, north-eastern Russia, 25 April/7 May 1840; d St Petersburg, 25 Oct/6 Nov 1893). Russian
Swan Lake, TH 12 (Lebedinoye ozero; Le Lac des cygnes):
Suite, op.20a <1875–1876>
Specific information available for subscribers.
There are three suites from Swan Lake:
(1) A 6-movement suite, found in the popular Eulenburg miniature score and its reprint by Dover. This was assembled posthumously (1900) by Jürgenson, the original publisher of the ballet.
(2) An 8-movement suite created by Muzgiz (1954), the successor to Jürgenson, using the first 5 movements of the Jürgenson publication, but omitting the 6th movement (
Scène), and replacing it with three characteristic national dances from Act III (Spanish, Neapolitan, and Polish).
(3) A 9-movement suite, edited by Carl Simpson, identical to the Muzgiz suite with an additional mvt: Scène et Finale.
Newly engraved materials from Kalmus (A2185) include all the movements used the suites, thus permitting performance of any version. The Kalmus parts and the contents listed below are for the 9-movement suite.
1. Scène
2. Valse
3. Danse des cygnes
4. Scène (Pas d'Action)
5. Danse hongroise (Czardas)
6. Danse éspagnole
7. Danse napolitaine
8. Mazurka
9. Scène et Finale

Additional info
Contents—1. Scène; 2. Valse; 3. Danse des cygnes; 4. Scène; 5. Danse hongroise (Czardas); 6. Danse éspagnole; 7. Danse napolitaine; 8. Mazurka