Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky :: Voyevoda, op.78, TH 54; Symphonic Ballad after Mickiewicz (The Provincial Governor)


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Tchaikovsky, Piotr Ilyich
(b nr Votkinsk, north-eastern Russia, 25 April/7 May 1840; d St Petersburg, 25 Oct/6 Nov 1893). Russian
Voyevoda, op.78, TH 54; Symphonic Ballad after Mickiewicz
(The Provincial Governor) <1890–1891>
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Composed in 1890-91 after Pushkin's translation of Mickiewicz's ballad. Not to be confused with the opera overture of the same title, op.3, TH 1.
Source of text: Symphonic ballad after A. Mickiewicz.