Rhené-Baton [Baton, René (Emmanuel)] :: Six dances de Claude Gervaise


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Rhené-Baton [Baton, René (Emmanuel)]
(b Courseulles sur Mer, 5 Sept 1879; d Le Mans, 23 Sept 1940). French
Six dances de Claude Gervaise
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6 dances by Claude Gervaise (1540–1583), collected by Henry Expert, orchd by Rhené-Baton and published under his name.
Pic in dance 5. In dance 6, the option is given to double flute with pic, thereby requiring a 2nd player.
If a larger string body is used, wind parts should be doubled.
I. Branle de Bourgogne
II. Branle de poitou
III. Branle de Champagne
IV. Branle gay
V. Branle double
VI. Gaillarde