Works by Robert Xavier Rodríguez Log in ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Works by Robert Xavier Rodríguez:AdagioAgnus Dei, for Mozart's Mass in C minor,K.427A Colorful SymphonyDe rerum natura (On the Nature of Things)EstampieFavola boccaccesca (Fable of Boccaccio)Forbidden FireA Gathering of Angels; Bolero forOrchestraHot Buttered RhumbaJargon; The Story of the AmericanConstitutionMusical Dice GameOktoechos; Concerto Grosso for 2 Groups ofSoloistsPiñataThe Salutation RagScroogeSinfonía à la mariachiTango di TangoTrunks; A Circus Story for Narrator &OrchestraUrsa (Four Seasons for Contrabass &Orchestra)