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Di Vittorio, Salvatore
(b Palermo, 22 October 1967). Italian
Symphony No.4 (Metamorfosi; Metamorphoses) <2019>
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Symphony with program in 3 movements. Symphonic poem.
Based on the Metamorfosi of Ovid—and the paintings Il Trionfo di Bacco of Ciro Ferri, Venere e Adone of Tiziano Vecellio, and Enea che fugge da Troia of Federico Barocci. Inspired by the chant Salve Regina.
Solo violin ed. by Kelly Hall-Tompkins.
Based on the Metamorfosi of Ovid—and the paintings Il Trionfo di Bacco of Ciro Ferri, Venere e Adone of Tiziano Vecellio, and Enea che fugge da Troia of Federico Barocci. Inspired by the chant Salve Regina.
Solo violin ed. by Kelly Hall-Tompkins.
I. Il Trionfo di Bacco (TheTriumph of Bacchus)
1. Chaos—Look toward Heaven
2. Flight of Mercury
3. Narcissus Rejects Echo
4. Festivals for Bacchus
5. Song and Dance of the Muses
6. Lost Fortune of Niobe
II. Venere e Adone (Venus and Adonis)
7. The Golden Fleece
8. Ariadne Abandoned at Naxos
9. Tears for Lotis
10. Venus and Adonis
11. Sacrifices for Neptune
12. Achilles' Heel
III. Enea che Fugge da Troia (Aeneas Fleeing from Troy)
13. Doves for Aeneas—the Seed of Rome
14. Aeneas in Sicily
15. Rome, the Peace of the World
1. Chaos—Look toward Heaven
2. Flight of Mercury
3. Narcissus Rejects Echo
4. Festivals for Bacchus
5. Song and Dance of the Muses
6. Lost Fortune of Niobe
II. Venere e Adone (Venus and Adonis)
7. The Golden Fleece
8. Ariadne Abandoned at Naxos
9. Tears for Lotis
10. Venus and Adonis
11. Sacrifices for Neptune
12. Achilles' Heel
III. Enea che Fugge da Troia (Aeneas Fleeing from Troy)
13. Doves for Aeneas—the Seed of Rome
14. Aeneas in Sicily
15. Rome, the Peace of the World