Sean O'Boyle :: Concerto, Percussion


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O'Boyle, Sean
(b Hexham, UK, 20 Nov 1963). Australian composer of English birth & Irish descent.
Concerto, Percussion <2013>
soloists: 1 timpanist, 3 percussionists playing a large array of instruments
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solo percussion insts: 4tmp, bd, cym, 3sus cym, sd, 5tomtom, timbales (2 sets), 3tri, tambn, tamtam, glock, chimes, crot (2 sets), flexatone, sleighbells, windchimes (2 sets), marktree, woodblk, templeblks, 4cowbell, whip, bongos, ratch, guiro, cast, vibraslap, siren, lionroar, wind machine, thunder sheet, 2police whistle, train whistle, belltree, waterphone (or springdrum), washboard, 20 tuned beer bottles, 4birdcalls (duck, cuckoo, dove, nightingale), 3energy chimes, 2cellophane balls, chain, sandblocks, go-go bells, metal frypan, fingercymbals, tinkly bells, LagerPhone