Works by Serge Prokofiev Log in ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Works by Serge Prokofiev:Alexander Nevsky, op.78 (AleksandrNevskiy)Andante, op.29bisAndante, op.50bisAutumnal Sketch, op.8 (Osenneye)Chamber Symphony (op.92) [arr. SánchezVelasco]Chant symphonique, op.57Chout, op.21 (Skazka pro shuta; The Taleof the Buffoon)Chout, op.21bis (Skazka pro shuta; TheTale of the Buffoon): Symphonic SuiteCinderella (Zolushka): Suite No.1, op.107Cinderella (Zolushka): Suite No.2, op.108Cinderella (Zolushka): Suite No.3, op.109Classical Symphony, op.25 (Symphony No.1)Concertino, Violoncello, op.132(Rostropovich/Kabalevsky)Concerto, Piano, No.1, op.10, D-flat majorConcerto, Piano, No.2, op.16, G minorConcerto, Piano, No.3, op.26, C majorConcerto, Piano (Left Hand), No.4, op.53,B-flatConcerto, Piano, No.5, op.55, G majorConcerto, Violin, No.1, op.19, D majorConcerto, Violin, No.2, op.63, G minorDivertimento, op.43Egyptian Nights, op.61 (Yegipetskiyenochi): SuiteFestive Poem, op.113 (Tridtsat' let; Tothe 30th Anniversary of the OctoberRevolution)Four Portaits from Le Joueur, op.49 (TheGambler)Ivan the Terrible, op.116 (Ivan Groznïy)Lieutenant Kijé, op.60 (Poruchnik Kizhe):SuiteThe Love for Three Oranges, op.33 (Lyubov'k tryom apel'sinam): Symphonic Suite,op.33bisThe Love for Three Oranges, op.33 (Lyubov'k tryom apel'sinam): March & Scherzo,op.31bisMarch, op.99, B-flat major (arr. Ochoa)The Meeting of the Volga and the Don,Festive Poem, op.130 (Vstrecha Volgi sDonom)On the Dnieper, op.51 (Na Dnepre; Sur leBorysthène): Suite, op.51bisOverture, op.42 (American)Overture on Hebrew Themes, op.34bisPeter and the Wolf, op.67 (Petya i volk)Romeo and Juliet, op.64 (Romeo iDzhuletta)Romeo and Juliet (Romeo i Dzhuletta):Suite No.1, op.64bisRomeo and Juliet (Romeo i Dzhuletta):Suite No.2, op.64terRomeo and Juliet (Romeo i Dzhuletta):Suite No.3, op.101Russian Overture, op.72 (Ouverture russe)Scythian Suite, op.20 (Skifskaya syuita)Semyon Kotko, op.81: Suite, op.81bisSinfonia concertante, op.125Sinfonietta, op.5/48The Steel Step, op.41 (Stal'noy skok; LePas d'acier)The Steel Step (Stal'noy skok; Le Pasd'acier): Suite, op.41bisSummer Day, op.65bis; Children's Suite forSmall Orchestra (Letniy den')Summer Night, op.123Symphony No.2, op.40, D minorSymphony No.3, op.44, C minorSymphony No.4 (first version), op.47, CmajorSymphony No.4 (revised version), op.112, CmajorSymphony No.5, op.100, B-flat majorSymphony No.6, op.111, E-flat minorSymphony No.7, op.131, C-sharp minorThe Tale of the Stone Flower, op.118 <1948>: Suite, op. 126Two Choral Songs, op.7The Ugly Duckling, op.18 (Gadkiy utyonok)Visions fugitives, op.22 (Mimoletnosti)Winter Bonfire, op.122 (Zimniy kostyor)