William Alwyn :: Lyra angelica


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Alwyn, William
(b Northampton, 7 Nov 1905; d Southwold, 11 Sept 1985). English
Lyra angelica <1954>
solo harp
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Source of text: Mvt titles from a long 17th-century poem by Giles Fletcher, Christ's Victorie and Triumph in Heaven, in Earth, Over and After Death.
I. "I looke for angels' songs, and heare Him crie"
II. "Ah! who was He such pretious perills found?"
III. "And yet, how can I heare Thee singing goe?"
IV. "How can such joy as this want words to speake?"

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Contents—I. "I looke for angels' songs, and heare Him crie"; II. "Ah! who was He such pretious perills found?"; III. "And yet, how can I heare Thee singing goe, when men incens'd with hate Thy death foreset?"; IV. "How can such joy as this want words to speake?"