Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart :: Concerto, Horn, No.1, K.412 & K.514 (= 386b), D major


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Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
(b Salzburg, 27 Jan 1756; d Vienna, 5 Dec 1791). Austrian
Concerto, Horn, No.1, K.412 & K.514 (= 386b), D major
Specific information available for subscribers.
1st mvt is K.412; 2nd mvt, completed by Franz Xaver Süssmayer after Mozart’s death, is K.514. The whole (in the numeration of the Köchel 6th ed.) is K.386b.
Breitkopf offers separately a new version of the 2nd mvt (K.514) ed. K. Marguerre.
Nino Rota has composed a work intended to serve as the 2nd mvt, see his: Andante sostenuto.
I. Allegro
II. Allegro