Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart :: Sinfonia concertante, K.297b (Anh. I/9), E-flat major (Levin reconstruction)


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Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
(b Salzburg, 27 Jan 1756; d Vienna, 5 Dec 1791). Austrian
Sinfonia concertante, K.297b (Anh. I/9), E-flat major (Levin
reconstruction) <1778>
solos: flute, oboe, horn, bassoon
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A reconstruction by Robert D. Levin of the hypothetical original. The music of the solo quartet has been adapted to the changed instrumentation, and the orchestral tuttis and accompaniments have been recomposed. The score includes the solo quartet parts of the "standard version" (K.Anh. C14.01) for comparison.
Andantino con variazioni