Wolfgang Rihm :: Symphony No.3


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Rihm, Wolfgang
(b Karlsruhe, 13 March 1952; d Ettlingen, 27 July 2024). German
Symphony No.3 <1976–1977>
chorus solos SBar
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Chorus & solo voices in mvts 2 & 4 only.
Source of text: Mvt 2: Nietzsche (Der Einsamte) & Rimbaud (Aufbruch); mvt 3: Nietzsche (Das eherne Schweigen). Language: German
I. Adagio in vier Teilen
1. Adagio molto
2. Adagio, semplice
3. Adagio inquieto
4. Agitato
II. Adagio
1. Der Einsamste (Neitzsche)
2. Aufbruch (Rimbaud)
III. Adagio
IV. Semplice, calmo (Neitzsche)