Works by Charles Koechlin Log in ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Works by Charles Koechlin:Ballade, Piano & Orchestra, op.50bis(Scènes de la forêt)Les Bandar-Log, op.176 (Scherzo dessinges)La course de printemps, op.95 (The SpringRunning)Les Heures persanes, op.65bis (The PersianHours)Le méditation de Purun Baghat, op.159Loi de la Jungle, op.175 (The Law of theJungle)Partita, op.205Poème, op.70bisSeven Stars Symphony, op.132Seven Stars Symphony, op.132: 1. DouglasFairbanksSeven Stars Symphony, op.132: 2. LilianHarveySeven Stars Symphony, op.132: 3. GretaGarboSeven Stars Symphony, op.132: 4. Clara Bowe la joyeuse CalifornieSeven Stars Symphony, op.132: 5. Hommageà Marlène DietrichSeven Stars Symphony, op.132: 6. EmilJanningsSeven Stars Symphony, op.132: 7. CharlieChaplinSilhouettes de comédie, op.193(Silhouettes of Comedy)Vers la voûte étoilée, op.129(Nocturne)